The solution for online sales and management
A web browser selfcare
Perfect addition to Pro-Cable
Self-ordering, Upsell, Cross sell
Web Architecture
Weblys involves the implementation of an architecture with three layers of services. The Portal is at the same level as the FRONT server, but defined and set up by the portal provider of the operator. This three-layer structure corresponds to a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
The Portal is also part of the FRONT layer, but as it is the responsibility of the operator, it is presented as an external element to the Weblys application architecture.
The Portal
The Portal is the commercial reference site of the operator on the Web. It is defined and maintained by the operator’s Web portal provider.
SelfShop and MyAccount sites must be called up by the Portal. The Portal cannot call MyShop site directly. The customer must first authenticate on MyAccount site, which will present a summary of his customer file, allowing him to modify his current offer of services and then access MyShop site.

FRONT Server
The FRONT layer is used to:
- Access SelfShop and MyAccount sites
- Present SelfShop, MyAccount and MyShop sites to the operator’s customers
- Present WeShop, WeCare and WeCRM sites to the operator’s employees, partners and distributors
- Present WeConfig and Diagnostic Tree sites to the operator’s authorised personnel
- Duplicate the FRONT server in case of increased traffic (scalability). You must then set up a Load Balancer (LB) to balance the sharing of services between the available FRONT servers.
BACK Server
The BACK layer is used to:
- Execute the operator’s business processes such as requests for information on various databases or external systems of the operator, consolidation and validation requests, updates requests, etc.
- Duplicate the BACK server when traffic from end-users increases (scalability). A load-balancing You must then set up a Load Balancer (LB) to balance the sharing of services mechanism must be added to distribute the load among the BACK servers.
- Prevent direct access to this layer by general end-users.
- Support the SQL Server databases required for the proper functioning of Weblys
DATA server
The DATA layer is the operator’s data stored within Oracle databases, Pro-Cable‘s internal database and any other external database or system of the provider must interface with via the BACK layer’s web services.
This site allows a new customer to place an order to subscribe to an online service offer without going through the customer service.
It works like a shopping cart, which facilitates the customer’s ordering process.
This site is called by the Portal when a prospect requests a subscription to an offer or checks if services are available at his address, using the various links presented in the Portal.
Some functions
- Enter an eligible address
- Select the offer of the order (choose services, equipment, options, etc.)
- View order summary (costs, options, promotions)
- Enter contact information for the new customer
- Check the order (delivery, make appointment)
- Confirm the order
This site allows existing customers to manage their ”customer account space”.
After being authenticated, the customer can consult or manage his account and his invoices, his services and various information on his file without going through a customer service representative. This site is called up through one of the links in the Portal.
Some functions
- Access customer account information
- View the offer summary
- Change payment method, references, contact details, visualization of commitments
- View invoices and usage
- Make a payment online
- Change current offer and services (link to MyShop) and payment methods
- Accept various combinations of services and options self-ordering: television, internet, telephone, mobile, etc.
- EasySwitch feature to transfer the subscription to another operator
- Add and change customer ID and corresponding password
- Manage private data
- Contact with customer service”
This site allows an authenticated customer in MyAccount to modify his current offer of services by using the ”Change my offer” button, without having to go through a customer service.
It calls MyShop site, which like SelfShop site, allows the customer to place a new order according to his new needs.
The access to this site is blocked when the status of the customer file does not allow proper processing of the order, for example, non-recognition of the customer’s offer in the catalog, type of customer not having access to the modification of his offer, such as Employee, VIP, etc.
Some functions
- Detect offer and current services for the existing customer
- Change options on current offers and services
- Change equipment
- Select and verify a new service (upsell/cross sell)
- Telephone directory registration
- Check and confirm the order
This site allows a user (salesperson, store employee, partner, distributor or other employee of the operator) to record an order of a new or existing customer.
It works like a shopping cart, which facilitates the customer’s ordering process.
This site can be called by the operator’s internal Portal or directly by typing the URL in the user’s web browser.
Some functions
- Enter the user’s code and access rights
- Look up customer file (search existing customer by customer number, postal code and last name)
- Look up eligible addresses (new customer)
- Select offers and services for the order (select offers, equipment, options, etc.)
- View a summary of the order (costs, options)
- Enter contact and payment for the new customer
- Check the order (delivery, appointments)
- Confirm the order
This site allows a user (salesperson, store employee, partner, distributor or other employee of the operator) to access the various management and processing modules.
The “operational modules” are related to actions grouped by processing/operational entities such as customer’s management, payments, work orders, calendars, addresses, billing, collections, etc. The ”Customers”, ”Mobile transactions” and ”Tickets tracking” modules are the only ones currently available and functional.
The user must be defined in the security database, which indicates whether or not he can use WeCare site, as well as his user access level. The rights and privileges of the user can influence the menu of available WeCare modules.
This site can be called by the operator’s internal Portal or directly by typing the URL in the user’s web browser.
Some functions
Customers Module:
- Enter user code
- Look up customer file per customer (by customer number, name with/without city, postal code and/or street or other customer-specific criteria) or by address (by city/zip code, street, building, apartment)
- Access user and customer information
- Access to WeShop, to Diagnostic tree
- Display collection details and current outages impacting the customer’s address
- View history (interventions, payments, services, equipment, invoices, etc.)
- Change administrative and billing information
- Manage payment methods and telephone directory
- Customer cancellation, suspension, reactivation
- Equipement retrieval, replacement
- Manage appointments
- Manage subscribed phones, options and portability
- View customer’s historical and management information
- Moving a customer
- Manage customer tickets (view, edit)
Mobiles Transactions Module:
- View current and archived mobile transactions
Tickets Tracking Module:
- Display open tickets (assigned to user), tickets in their group (not yet assigned to a user) and tickets in other user groups
System with an integrated database, wich allows:
- Store and manage cases (tickets) corresponding to transactions, actions, requests and/or problems associated with customers.
- Define, keep and manage network outages impacting the delivery of services to customer addresses in order to track their progress until their resolution and closure.
WeCRM also uses a customer module integrated to WeCRM to identify the customer associated with each case (ticket).
The WeCRM site is a customized and configured adaptation of SuiteCRM (an Open Source application) in InfoCABLYS’s integrated solutions to meet specific needs for managing cases, outages and possibly for prospecting and marketing products and services.
- WeCRM allows a user (store employee, partner, distributor or other employee of the operator) to access various management and processing modules through an open management window in WeCare – Customer Module or directly through WeCRM functions.
- The user must be defined by Pro-Cable’s WEB user management which will make sure to synchronize with WeCRM’s security database, so that the user has his identification code, his password, his contacts email, his common profiles between Weblys and WeCRM.
- The user can also be defined directly by WeCRM’s security management functions, but there is a risk of desynchronization with the definitions and rights defined for Weblys, which could impact the smooth running of operations and activities between Weblys and WeCRM for this user.
This site can be called by the operator’s internal Portal, directly by typing the URL in the user’s web browser or via WeCare to view/edit a specific Case for a customer or a Case being tracked associated with a specific person or department in the company.
- Create, view tickets, calls, meetings, actions, communications, reports, scheduled reports, outages, CMTS, CDZ
- Consult customer summary information
- Create, open, edit actions and assigning tickets to customers
- Create, open, edit communications and assign to a ticket, a customer, a call, a meeting, an action
- Create, select, open, edit a ticket linked to customers, outages
- Create, select, open, edit an outage associated to customers, CMTS, CDZ
- Create, select, open, edit a scheduled report associated to a report
Diagnostic Tree (WeDiag)
The tree is a tool to diagnose problems identified by the customer in order to quickly find the best solution/action. You select the answer to each question in order to obtain the action to be taken with the customer.
The ending of the tree is to create a ticket with the characteristics corresponding to the Question-Answer sequence used:
- You can adjust/complete the ticket before updating it.
- Depending on the ending of the tree, the ticket is saved and closed or saved and transferred to a specialized group.
The WeDiag site allows to define/manage/use the diagnostic tree. It is a tool used to define the set of symptoms and solutions to various issues that the customers can submit in order to:
- Facilitate the user’s support/assistance work
- Create a CRM ticket at the end of each branch of the tree to track the requests and the solution proposed to the customer
- Send the ticket to an expert group that execute the work needed to solve the customer’s issue
- Calling a WeCare function (if relevant to the context) to guide the user through the resolution of the customer’s request
Some functions
- Use the tree
- Manage the tree (search, manage an item)
- Manage tree items (trees, questions, answers, terminal results)
- Tree import/export in Excel format
- Manage table codes (Ending, Outage)
- Codes import/export (Codes export to Excel, export to WeCRM, import from Excel, import from WeCRM, verify inactive and/or orphan codes)
- Adding and modifying a Ticket transaction
- Backup and restore the database
- Publishing from one environment to another
This site is used to configure Weblys and centralize the maintenance operations usually done manually or through a script. This tool can be deployed to operators so that they can perform their own operations in standalone mode.
This site can be called by the operator’s internal Portal or directly by typing the URL in the browser. Access is restricted to certain resources of the operator.
Some functions
- View information about active Weblys components in the operator environment
- Upload the Weblys catalog with all operator’s offers update and adjustments.
- Manage miscellaneous code tables from the PARAM database
- Change the Weblys global settings
- Load Rules tables required during updates made by Weblys
- View error or order log files
- Dynamically add code lines, add scripts or produce reports for the operator’s statistical and data analysis needs
- Start and stop a website
- Unblock customer file access
- Update the list of cities in the cache, Pro-Cable tables or manage Weblys sites in the cache
- View different versions of Weblys and its components
Weblys Data
Weblys data is managed in the following databases:
- CATALOGUE database
- CUSTOM LOGIN database
- PARAM database
- RULES database
- SECURITY database
- WeCRM database
- Diagnostic Tree database
- Others databases or external systems
- CASE files & Internet analytics tools (Analytics)
CUSTOM LOGIN is a SQL Server database used to store client authentication information (customer number, password, etc.) This is automatically created by Pro-Cable when a customer is added or his password changed by the transaction CAB-21010 Customer Management.
This database contains the customer number, the password generated by Pro-Cable and some information that allows the customer to identify himself in case of loss of password. This is his first and last name, his e-mail and his contact phone numbers. The customer can also define a personal ID and password, which will also be kept in the CUSTOM LOGIN database.
PARAM Database
PARAM is a SQL server database that corresponds to several tables and codes from Pro-Cable.
Scripts are used to import various Pro-Cable codes into the PARAM database.
Filtering may be required to present only some of there codes in Weblys instead of all the values of the table as defined in Pro-Cable (this analysis must be performed with the operator).
CATALOG Database
The CATALOG database contains all current product and service offers that are (or have been) available for sale through SelfShop, WeShop, MyAccount and MyShop sites.
For every combination of ”Television and/or Internet and/or Fixed Telephony and/or Mobile Telephony” basic service, must match an offer. New combinations to be offered for sale must be defined in the Catalog.
The Catalog can be defined for all customer groups (group code), using a service structure in Pro-Cable that corresponds to :
- An offer +
- One or more equipment to select +
- Options available for rent or purchase
- Television, Internet, Fixed Telephony and/or Mobile Telephony domains
Every combination of Pro-Cable basic services must correspond to an offer in the CATALOG, otherwise, no order can be taken for this particular service combination. The internal CATALOG definition and rules determines the equipment usable/required for these basic services, then the available options and finally the applicable promotions and discounts.
The sequence of steps for subscription is always the same:
- Recognize offers and services available at a customer’s address, based on service eligibility parameters and geographical areas set-up definition. Services available can be a combination of one or many service categories (called domains), such as Television, Internet, Telephone, Mobile, etc.
- Select the service offer that fits the customer’s situation (service availability, address, grouping criteria, prospect or Upsell/Cross sell)
- Select equipment associated with this offer
- Select available options depending on the above choices and the geographical situation of the customer
There is a global price for the offer in the CATALOG, which corresponds to the sum of basic service prices, combined with promotions and discounts.
The general parameter setting principle is that by default, offers are available to all subscription requests. Then restrictions are applied depending on certain criteria (eligibility, availability of services in a city, type of sale, grouping code, etc.) to finally obtain the choices a customer has the right to, and only those choices.
All Pro-Cable services and prices are in the Catalog, as well as a set of miscellaneous Pro-Cable internal code tables. An update must be made regularly to ensure that the catalog is in sync with the evolution of Pro-Cable system parameters.
The CATALOG uses a set of scripts and tools to perform certain operations:
- Import Pro-Cable services and pricing
- Verify/create offers corresponding to the desired basic service combinations
- Provide a list of offers available for sale in all geographic areas or in a specific address only
- Provide the list of equipment available for sale on selected offer
- Provide the list of available options for the offer and the selected equipment (selecting an equipment may affect some options)
- Provide associated rates
- Provide the list of all service codes to complete the order in Pro-Cable
The implementation of the CATALOG database requires an analysis of all services assigned to current provider’s customers and of all combinations of basic services existing in Pro-Cable:
- A customer whose offer does not correspond to his basic services in the CATALOG cannot access MyShop to make changes to his offer. Users also cannot access WeShop to make changes to their offer that result in an “Upsell” or a “Cross sell”
- This analysis work is done jointly with the operator who will approve the final list of offers
- Combinations of “Cross sell” and “Upsell” available for each offer must also be identified
Maintenance and support of the CATALOG database is maintained using tools developed to allow maintenance.
RULES Database
RULES is a SQL Server database containing business process rules to link the correct work orders to be carried out to install the customer’s services and equipment according to the context of the order :
- Creating a new customer in Pro-Cable through SelfShop/WeShop
- Modification of the current offer for an existing customer (Upsell/Cross sell) through WeShop/MyShop
These rules are subject to the general context of the sale. Items or criteria that have an effect are:
- Customer’s group code (RG – Default value for a new sale)
- Sale type (prospect for a new customer, Upsell/Cross sell for an existing customer)
- Sales channel (store, SelfShop, MyShop, Distributor, house sale, etc.)
- Installation mode for television, Internet, and telephone services (connected with appointment, equipment shipment, equipment delivery, none, etc.)
- Installation mode for mobile telephony (shipment, delivery, none, etc.)
The various criteria combinations will determine if:
- Immediate payment is Required, Optional or Masked
- Equipment serial numbers are entered or not
- At this level, a criterion is added for:
- Indicate if the customer made a payment or not
- Indicate if the customer has entered a valid email address and checked the electronic contract receipt box
- Indicate if the customer has at least one active MVNO line in his file
- Monthly payment method selected by the customer: upon bill reception, pre-authorized automatic payment or credit card
These different combinations of criteria help to identify, from the operator parameters set in the RULES database:
- Types of letters to send to customers (Letter codes in Pro-Cable)
- Primary work order code to be used with the first work order (WO)
- Secondary work order code to be used to create the associated work orders (except for contract work orders, the other WOs will be created within a single process using these secondary codes)
- Delay in days used to compute the “expected date” on WOs
- Cable and MVNO work order status (except WO contract)
- Primary WO code used to create the contract
- Security deposit service code and associated amount
SECURITY is a an internal Pro-Cable database containing processing rules, access rights and permissions of the provider sales personnel and users who can access Weblys sites. An automatic default user must be defined to access SelfShop, MyAccount and MyShop.
This database can be maintained by the operator through existing Pro-Cable screens.
WeCRM Database
WeCRM is a SQL Server database containing customer information, tickets, actions and activities defined and used to manage and track WeCRM tickets for customers, as well as to manage and track outages.
Data on customers and addresses is synchronized with the Pro-Cable data in real time.
Data on outages and tickets is internal to WeCRM.
Diagnostic Tree Database
Diagnostic Tree is a SQL Server database containing information on decision trees, questions, answers and solutions, and other components used to manage diagnostic trees.
Other databases or External Systems
The operator may have other databases or external systems that require access through SelfShop, WeShop, MyAccount, MyShop or WeCare sites to meet specific customer support and service objectives such as:
- PDF invoices
- Usage
- Telephony
- Internet
- Networks
A detailed analysis with the operator complete this list of such systems and identifies required actions and processes for each external system.
CASE files & Internet analytics tools (Analytics)
Case files provide site activity information to a CRM and/or external analysis system about Weblys successful, rejected or abandoned orders as well as some specific available actions. The Case file information can be easily extracted to analyze the use of websites, users, sales channels, etc. It also facilitates follow-up on rejected or abandoned transactions.
Analytics tools such as Google Analytics or partner’s analytics that measure the number of sales and connections of users are included in Weblys to increase performance and productivity.
An analysis of Web service (WS) usage for statistics, processing verification and tracking, control and performance can be produced as needed. This data is stored in a “Trace” directory (or other name) on the server hosting Pro-Cable.
There are also LOG files on Weblys methods that can be viewed to analyze specific needs. This data is stored on the Weblys Back server.
A self-cleaning mechanism of the directories can be set up based on the operator’s needs and criteria.